The ISO 19698 standard about the Beneficial use of Biosolids on land has been published in september 2020.
This document provides guidance on the conditions of beneficial use of municipal and industrial Biosolids and their derived products (e.g. composts, growing media) in the production of food and feed crops, energy crops, forestry crops and for the remediation of disturbed sites.
This standard includes:
- general guidelines for the land application of Biosolids and Biosolids derived products;
- specific guidelines for the land application of Biosolids and Biosolids derived products for food and feed crop production and for non food and non feed crop production (e.g. horticulture, fibre for biomass, silviculture, etc.);
- specific guidelines for the land application of Biosolids and Biosolids derived products for other beneficial uses (e.g. land reclamation or rehabilitation).